Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where Do I Start?

Well, I can't believe that I'm actually starting this damned thing, seeing that I don't have the highest view of bloggers, but what the heck!

I've got quite a few photos that I've taken that are sitting around doing nothing, so I figured that I would start posting some of them here in case anyone cares to have a look at what I do on the weekends. A lot of you know that I love to be outdoors and enjoy hiking but I don't spend ALL of my time just stumbling through the woods. Sometimes I stop and take photos to record the things that catch my eye.

Hopefully some of you will enjoy seeing my take on the world around us. If not please GO AWAY!

-Hominy (aka Bill)


  1. Awesome pics Bill, thanks for sharing - Keith

  2. Ohh i love it! is the last one of the river valley falls?
