Thursday, November 4, 2010


I was off from work last week for a short vacation. I didn't have any set plans so I was able to spend quite a bit of time out taking photos. Here are some of my favorites from last week. They were all taken in the Shenandoah Valley in the great state of Virginia.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Silhouette photos are a good way to add a bit of mystery to an object because they let the viewer use his or her imagination to fill in the missing details. Today I'm posting a bunch of silhouette photos that I've taken. I hope you enjoy them.

Friday, October 1, 2010


We've had several days of heavy rain this past week which has put a damper on my photo taking. However, it has had me thinking that water would be a appropriate theme for a new post and since I have many photos that feature H2O, I guess I'll do just that. So here it is...water